The Soldiers of Christ is a men’s apostolate based in the Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA, which helps men become more virtuous and deepen their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fulfill the awesome mission God created you for!

Soldiers of Christ 3

Our Mission

To bring men together in Christian brotherhood, and train them for daily spiritual battle to be Christ-like leaders through the model of St. Joseph.

Be formed in the image of Our Lord and train for spiritual battle alongside fellow Catholic Men

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.  Proverbs 27: 17

The Soldiers of Christ are close-knit groups of 5-8 men who come together weekly during a liturgical season. We pray, explore Sacred Scripture, and commit to growing more Christ-like through a Spiritual Game Plan.

2323 Montgomery Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

August 22, 2024 - September 26, 2024

Thursdays @ 6:30 PM

St. Joseph Catholic Church

150 St Joseph Way Cotati, CA 94931

September 11, 2024 - October 30, 2024

Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM

Why Join?

Be firm. Be strong. Be a man. And then...be a saint.  St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, 22

  • Develop a personal relationship with Our Lord through a brotherhood, Sacred Scripture & the Spiritual Game Plan.
  • Strengthen your marriage by learning about God's plan for the family.
  • Become a heroic father to your children through the model of St. Joseph.
  • Learn to live your faith in daily, ordinary life.
  • Find support and friendship in a brotherhood of Catholic Men.

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The Spiritual Game Plan is a training system that includes prayers & disciplines that help form you into a Soldier of Christ.

The devil and his minions tempt you away from Our Lord through a lukewarm attitude and laziness.  Be intentional with your relationship with Christ by being aware of him throughout the day, fighting against sin.

Action is worth nothing without prayer: prayer grows in value with sacrifice.  St. Josemaría Escrivá, The Way, 90

When you join the Soldiers of Christ, you are committing to a plan of life.  You will have a brotherhood that will hold you accountable for your commitment.  Become a Soldier of Christ.

About Our Patron Saints

  • St. Joseph, Terror of Demons - The model for all men because of his complete trust, faith, and perseverance in doing God's Holy Will as well as his humility and purity.  As the head of the Holy Family, he is the model of all husbands and fathers.  One of his titles in the Litany of St. Joseph is Terror of Demons.  Why?  "The devil knows the paternal intercessory power of Saint Joseph and will flee at the very mention of his name."  Fr. Donald Calloway
  • St. Josemaría Escrivá is known as the saint of ordinary life and founder of Opus Dei. Canonized in 2002 by St. John Paul II, his core message was what the Second Vatican Council called the Universal Call to Holiness.  In other words, God has called you to greatness in your regular daily life.
  • St. Michael the Archangel - The leader of God's army, he is the prince of Angels, and a model of strength, courage, and valor.

The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.  Pope Benedict XVI











About Us

Hey there! We're Joe and Donna Hernandez, the founders of The Soldiers of Christ. In 2011, we crossed paths at St. Sebastian Catholic Church in Sebastopol, CA while working on our first bible studies and parish conferences (Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers). Fast forward to 2015, and we tied the knot. Then, in 2021, we welcomed our daughter, Olivia Marie, from South Korea into our family.  In 2024 we were blessed with our second adopted daughter, Marie-Therese, from India.

In 2022, John Eakin, Eric Umile & Joe Hernandez, launched our first men's group intending to deepen our relationship with Christ through prayer and studying Holy Scripture. The Soldiers of Christ is now concentrating on ministry for men after discernment.  In 2024, John Eakin began his discernment to the priesthood and is now a seminarian for The Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA.

On December 16, 2023, John, Eric, and Joe were instituted to the Ministry of Acolyte by his excellence, Bishop Robert F. Vasa.

To LEARN MORE about this ministry click here or see below.







In 1972, in his Motu Proprio, Ministeria Quaedam, St. Paul VI abolished the minor orders and the major order of the Subdeaconate. The sacred functions of the Subdiaconate were assigned to the Instituted Ministries of Acolyte (and Lector).  It is the local bishop's discretion whether to have these formal Ministries as standalone and active offices in his diocese and available to lay people not discerning Holy Orders.  Still, it is rare outside those pursuing ordination to the diaconate or priesthood in the U.S.  The Diocese of Santa Rosa, California is one of the few dioceses in the Country that has Instituted Acolytes as a standalone lay ministry (those not pursuing Holy Orders).

In the Ministry of Acolyte, individuals are instituted (not ordained) by a bishop.  However, an Acolyte is part of the laity whose ministry comes from the universal priesthood received in the anointing with sacred Chrism in baptism when the celebrant prays " He now anoints you with the Chrism of salvation, so that you may remain as a member of Christ, Priest, Prophet and King, unto eternal life."  Therefore, Instituted Acolytes typically vest in an alb representing a baptismal garment.

“Take this vessel of bread (wine) for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of his Church.”

The acolyte answers, "AMEN!"  

Even though they are not ordained in Holy Orders, Acolytes take precedence over other lay ministers in liturgical celebrations by their institution.

“The Ministry of the acolyte has been established in some dioceses.  By institution, he is authorized to serve at the altar, assisting the deacon and ministering to the priest, especially by preparing the altar and vessels.  He may distribute Holy Communion, as needed, taking precedence over other extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.  He may also take precedence over servers in acting as cross bearer, thurifer, etc. …The chief server could be an instituted acolyte.  The acolyte wears an alb, but, if he acts as M.C., choir dress may seem preferable.”   Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, 2nd Edition by Bishop Peter J Elliott, # 177

Formation & Spirituality

An Instituted Acolyte should be willing to serve his parish regularly since his installation is a lifelong commitment.  Acolytes should strive to learn all altar server roles to lead teams, train other altar servers, and encourage vocations in young altar servers.  A strong prayer life with eucharistic adoration and frequent participation in Holy Mass is the foundation for the spirituality of the Instituted Acolyte.  The Ministry of Acolyte is centered around service to the Church and the people.

Important Documents

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